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  • Writer's pictureMary-Ann

A Letter to the Community

Updated: Mar 1, 2019

Hello everyone,

Over the past weeks, we have been consulting the community on the proposed B-Line project. I’d like to thank everyone who has participated online, in stakeholder meetings and at the large community meeting.

While some have welcomed the proposed B-Line service across the North Shore, others have not. We know this has caused concern and confusion for many of you. Council’s intent has always been to find ways to reduce congestion and improve transit service, and residents shared their concerns about these issues during the recent election campaign. While there isn’t a magic silver bullet, improved public transit service will be an essential part of the solution.

West Vancouver residents have made significant financial contributions to TransLink over the years, but received comparatively little in terms of new or improved services. In 2013, TransLink identified a rapid transit service across the North Shore as a priority, although it wasn’t until 2016 that the three North Shore mayors secured the necessary funding. The B-line service would provide high-frequency, limited-stop service from Phibbs Exchange via Main Street to Lonsdale Quay and Marine Drive into Dundarave. Former mayor Michael Smith played a prominent role in ensuring this project was included in Phase 1 of the Mayors’ Council’s 10-year plan.

In hindsight, it is clear that we could have done a much better job of considering the implications and roll-out of the consultation. Further, many residents were given the impression that the proposal was a done deal. I apologize for that.

We’ve been consulting the community over the past month and we now have a better understanding of people’s concerns about transit priority lanes, parking loss and routes near schools and in residential neighbourhoods. We are listening. We know people want to hear back from Council, and we are going to move quickly and decisively.

The problem of traffic congestion is only going to get worse in years to come. We must remain willing to consider all strategies to deal with this problem, and we must ensure that we hear from as many of you as possible so we can make informed decisions on your behalf. Thank you for engaging with us on this issue, and sharing your questions, concerns and suggestions.

Sincerely, Mary-Ann Booth Mayor of West Vancouver



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