Hi everyone,
Since my last update, opportunities for public input on two significant District initiatives have been scheduled:
1. Housing and Neighbourhood Character: The District is seeking input on coach houses, purpose-built rental housing, and housing bulk, and has scheduled two “Housing and Neighbourhood Fairs”:
February 24th, 4 – 8 pm, Community Centre Atrium
March 1st, 10 am – 2 pm, Community Centre Atrium
For further information please visit our website www.westvancouver.ca/housing.
2. Upper Lands: The Upper Lands Working Group is seeking input regarding the future of the undeveloped lands above the highway, and has scheduled three open houses:
February 26th, 4:30 – 7:30 pm, Gleneagles Clubhouse
February 27th, 4 – 8:30 pm, Community Centre Atrium (including interactive workshop)
March 4th, 4 – 8:30 pm, Community Centre Atrium (including interactive workshop)
For further information please visit our website www.westvancouver.ca/upperlands.
Please try to make it to one of these events and pass the information along to your friends and neighbours. It is crucial that we hear from you when guiding District policies and practices.
Other Community Events:
“Radical Rags, The Fashion of Activism” – a historic fashion show and fundraiser with Ivan Sayers, February 22nd, 2 – 4 pm, St. Andrew’s-Wesley United Church, 1012 Nelson St., Vancouver. Order $35 tickets on-line at www.civilrightsnow.ca or call 604-290-5737.
West Vancouver Youth Band presents “Jazz on a Sunday Afternoon” – an annual fundraiser with special guest conductor, Dal Richards, February 23rd, 2 pm, Centennial Theatre, North Vancouver. Order $28.50 tickets on line at http://www.centennialtheatre.com/box-office.aspx.
Dalai Lama Centre Heart-Mind Conference – “The Science of Kindness”, May 8-10th, Old Auditorium, U.B.C. Order tickets on-line at http://dalailamacenter.org/conference/page/heart-mind-2014-tickets.